How Can I Earn Money By Making Videos

How Can I Earn Money By Making Videos

Hi friends if you want to know how can earn money by making videos then there are many types of flat forums or process to make money from create video. So today I will talk about all the process and platform to create video and earn money in simple steps.

Make Money To Create YouTube Video :

So the popular way to earn lots of money to create a video from YouTube because YouTube is one of the largest and most popular video platform in worldwide while you will share your knowledge and experience and ideas through video to whole world people.

YouTube is absolutely free so you don’t need to take any membership or purchase to create videos on YouTube or published your videos so I think YouTube is the best platform as a video creator.

Earn Revenue From Freelancing :

Now let’s talk about the next video platform to earn money from making videos which is freelancing that means if you want to earn money as a video creating then you can become a freelancer and create videos for client to make money through online.

The freelancer are work like some people who want to create video but don’t have time to create video self and they can pay you to create or making video with some fees and you will make this videos and aur some money from the client and provide the video.

Production Agency And Advertising :

The Third way to creating video for any production agency like advertising or short video company or any other agency who will product some video through video maker you will take the order from the producers and create video as there choice and you will charge some payment from their company and make money as a video creator.

Make Money By Upload Stock Video Footage :

Next option to earn money from video which is stock video footage upload that means many types of websites and flat forms are available who are provide free stock footages on paid stocks footage with membership plan and they will provide you some payment for videos uploading.

So you need to create video in lots of categories with your team or yourself like any reaction video or any work or other information and activity videos. Then you can upload this videos to the talk footage website and when someone purchase your video from the site then you will get a commission or payment from the top footage website or company.

Create Videos For Celebrities And Influencers :

Now let’s talk about the final or fifth option to make money from making video through create videos for celebrities and influencers. It is working like you can create advertisement video or any background activity videos for tutorial videos for activity on any other topics then you can provide the video footage to the editor and they will edit the video then provide to celebrity.

After approved your video footage the celebrities are provide you lots of payment or earnings for the video which you are created and this is the one of the way to earn money to making videos.

How Do You Get Paid For Making Videos :

Let’s talk about how much you get paid for create video in YouTube or any other platforms. This is not the fixed amount for any types of work but I will telling about some approximately earning opportunity which can help you find some ideas and choose the best way as your choice or experience.

So first of all let’s talk about for YouTube videos which is associated by Google and when you creating videos for your YouTube channel then first of all you need to monetize your channel after completed all the criteria which will set by YouTube and then you can start the earning from your video.

After publishing your video on YouTube channel some advertisers are interest to show their ads starting and ending on your video. If someone interest to know about the advertisement then they click on the add link and you will get paid from YouTube after end of the month.

This is not the fixed price it is depend on which type of ads are showing on your video and from which location are visited on the link and which type of category of your video. After that Google decided provide some money to YouTube and YouTube are take 45% revenue and another 55% payment are sent to creators like you and me.

This is the procedure to earn money from Youtube video also you can earn from YouTube many ways like sponsor video it is also way to earn by creating video. Also some another options like super chat and merchandise and also super thanks and membership features for earn extra money from Youtube.

Affiliate Marketing On YouTube :

I was talk about affiliate marketing program in the previous article so if you can do affiliate Marketing through YouTube channel or YouTube video. Because this is the best way to sale or promote your product as a video and maximum people are do the same technique to promote their affiliate link or product and sale lots of items.

Now I will tell you another video platform where you can get paid to create in videos which is Instagram. Instagram is also one of the best platform to share your post and real video and igtv long video for earn some money through your Instagram profile.

Make Money From Instagram Reels :

Instagram is the second social media platform for promote your product or create reel video and Instagram pay you some bonus as a monthly basis in the end of the month. Also from Instagram you can promote for paid responsorship from some companies who will pay you some money.

If you want to do affiliate marketing then also this is the best option to promote your product through reels video because reels are growing very quickly to maximum audience and you will get lots of visitors from starting days just you need to have some patience and consistency.