Best Icon Shape Customization Setting In Android

It suraj

Introduction :

Hi everyone welcome to our new Android Settings article well today I will show you a very useful and very interesting Android setting which is really awesome and definitely you like it after using this setting in your smartphone.
Even if you’re using any type of version in Android don’t worry definitely it is working in your smartphone when you are apply completely all the settings.

Now let’s talk about some details about this setting I know you are using many type of applications in your smartphone many type of default applications are available in your mobile.
But if you want to change your icon size or icon shape then you cannot do this. Because it is not allowed for below Android version 9 or 10 it is available only above Android version of 9.

But today I will tell you how you can change your icon size completely in your any type of Android version device.
Don’t need to upgrade your Android version if you have below Android version of 9 then definitely you can apply this setting and you can change your mobile icon shape.
So without wasting any time let’s start.

Contact :

If you want to ask any question or if you have any queries regarding the setting or any other related then definitely you can put your comment in the comment box I will check as soon as possible and try to reply you.
Also I will try to solve your doubts or queries and complete your all the settings I will help you as your mobile settings related.

Also if you have any suggestions related of new any ideas or Android settings then please you can put your comment or suggestion in the comment box it can help us to provide with all of Android users new settings and ideas.
Which can help and provide new knowledges to all of yours or new persons who are interested about Android settings and new features.

So let’s talk about this setting first of all you need to install two application in your Android smartphone. Both applications are important to change the icon size for Icon shape because one of the application is your mobile theme and the second application is change your application icon that’s icon pack.
So click on the download button below after 15 seconds and follow the process.

[su_button id=”download” url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#ef0c12″ size=”7″ center=”yes” radius=”0″ icon_color=”#ffffff”]DOWNLOAD[/su_button]

Procedure :

Install the application click on the download button above and then install the application from your mobile Google Play Store.

After that allow all the permissions and then set a default launcher in your smartphone theme after that you can change the icon shape.

if you want to download the icon size changing back then just you have to click here

Now you have to open the second application which is icon pack and also allow all the permissions again and then close the application.

also you need to download the circle icon pack which is same to same like oneplus smartphones which is created as oxygen OS then you need to install another icon pack to download the icon pack click here

Now you have to open the launcher or theme application and then click on the setting button.

Now you can many type of customisation available which can change as your choice and the main important thing is icon size.

Just click on the icon shape or icon size button and you have to choose the second application name and all the icons save automatically changed just click on the ok button or save button.

Now what the settings is done now you can use your mobile easily and you can see all the icon save earth changed which are looked very awesome.

Thanks for today I will definitely catch you guys in the next one article.